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Hi, I'm Carolin.

I'm a Berlin based facilitator, community weaver and guide. In the context of ecological destruction, extreme economic inequality and polarisation, I see it as vital that we come together across difference and support each other. I host transformative spaces for humans to come into flourishing relationships with themselves, each other and the living world. The tools and methods I work with come from the Art of Hosting, living systems theory, postcolonial approaches, deep ecology and rites of passage work.

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My Story

I was brought up in a multi-cultural setting, by a Polish mother, a German father who grew up in South America and many Au-pairs from across the globe. This has sparked my curiosity for different ways of seeing the world and shaped me into someone who loves bringing together different cultures and embraces diversity. Shaped by my academic background, a BA in European Studies and an MA  in Postcolonial Culture and Global Policy I started my work life with a  desire to address the extreme inequalities I learned about and witnessed through transforming our political, economic and social systems. Throughout my 10+ years of work experience in social enterprises, tech start ups and civil society organisations, working on a wide range of topics including migration issues, sustainable food systems and local currencies, I came to understand that what is preventing change has a lot to do with our inner worlds-  our belief systems, our world views and the dominant paradigms.


So I undertook a journey into the inner realms of psyche and soul, studying yoga, process oriented psychology, permaculture, deep ecology, coaching and collective leadership. I call it a journey of unlearning, remembering and rewilding.  This journey guided me towards slowing down, spending a lot of time in nature and embarking on a wilderness vision quest (or rite of passage). Here I discovered my passion for this work and decided to become a guide. I've become increasingly interested in reclaiming community rituals and rites of passage in our modern Western societies as a way of making meaning collectively and maturing into responsible humans. This journey of unlearning has also brought me to the insight that equally important as what we do in the world is how we bring ourselves into the world and how we relate to each other. This resulted in a collective action-research with the CitizensLab around how to nourish a culture of care and kinship. I am interested in how we can not just talk about values such as mutual care, community, kinship and reciprocity but how we can live them, practice them and thereby build a culture around them, which remains an ongoing challenge.


For the past years, I have been working as a freelancer, seeking to stitch together the inner and outer worlds and weaving together various projects that all share the common thread of coming into right relations with life.  I currently focus on my work as Germany Activation Lead at The Week. You can learn more about my professional path on Linked In and read more about my philosophy, my methods, my teachers and my educational path below.


My Philospohy

I hold a living systems perspective which recognises that we as humanity are nested within our environment and embedded in the wider web of life. This means that everything we do has ripple effects. My action-research examines how we can experience ourselves as deeply entangled with all of life and thereby come into flourishing and reciprocal relationships with  each other and the living world. This inquiry involves understanding the role that power dynamics play, seeking to decolonise ourselves, to address oppressive power structures and to heal our traumas, individually and collectively. I believe that a more feminine (yin, cyclical, intuitive) and collective style of leadership is needed for creating a thriving future for the generations to come. My mission is to support a transition from a culture of fragmentation, perpetual-growth orientation, power over dynamics and extractivism towards a culture of wholeness, regeneration and cyclicality, power with,  reciprocity and mutual care. Inspired by the Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, I call this a culture of interbeing. It’s a culture with relationship at its core. I sense that I am increasingly letting go of the need to ‘create impact’ and surrender more to the beauty of the process and the joy and grief of being alive at this time on the planet.

Maybe you are searching among the branches for what only appears in the roots.


Roots and Shoots

My work is rooted in systems thinking and systemic coaching, the Art of Hosting, process oriented psychology, cultural and postcolonial studies, deep and spiritual ecology and yoga philosophy. The growing shoots are methods and tools that include emergent dialogue, council, open space technology, social presencing theatre, embodiment practice, nature based rite of passage work and reclaiming ritual more generally. I like to facilitate in playful, creative and embodied ways.

Teachers that have hugely influenced me and my work include Robin Wall Kimmerer, Bayo Akomolafe, Joanna Macey, Sobonfu Some, Bill Plotkin, Rupert Marques, Nathalie Vickers, Maria Scordialos, Jenny O’Hare, MacMcCartney and many more.

Image by Jacob Buchhave

Qualifications & Trainings

Creative Tools For Social Change Practitioner
2023, ULex, Spain


Art of Hosting Practitioner

2023, Citizens Lab e.V., Berlin


Integral Facilitation w. Diane Musho Hamilton

2022, Two Arrows Zen, Sweden


The Art of Mirroring w. Rupert Marques 

2022, Chamai (School of Lost Borders Lineage), Belgium


Theory U Practitioner, ULab 1x/ 2x

2021, Presencing Institute, Cambridge, USA


Huddlecraft Host Fellow

2020, Huddlecraft, London, UK


Process Oriented Psychology Elementary Course

2021, Institute for Process Oriented Psychology, Bonn


Systemic Coach and Mediator

2021, Business Trends Academy, Berlin


Offers and Needs Market Facilitator
2020, Post Growth Institute


Collective Leadership Specialist

2019, Collective Leadership Institute, Potsdam


Soulcraft Intensive

2019, Animas Valley Institute, Lavia


300h Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga Teacher

2018, Yoga School Institue, Guatemala


Permaculture Diploma

2018, Terra Alta, Portugal


MA Postcolonial Culture and Global Policy

2013, Goldsmiths College, University of London


BA European Studies with French

2012, Royal Holloway, University of London






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