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Nature Based Guidance

Wilderness Based Vision Quests, Deep Ecology Experiences

As a nature based guide, I am passionate about accompanying others to become fully alive and inhabit their own ecological niche in the wider ecosystem. I do this in various  ways - guiding vision quests in the wilderness, offering deep ecology workshops and experiences. In all of this I seek to gift my full presence and support through an open ear and open heart, offering challenging questions and elucidating mirrors. I am a certified systemic coach and vision quest guide in training.

Vision Quest Work

For thousands of years, indigenous peoples of most cultures around the world have provided meaningful ways of marking transitions, the passage from one life stage to another. In times when our contemporary Western culture suffers from a meaning crisis, remembering and reappropriating these rites has great potential to reclaim meaning and mark our deepest transitions and roles as humans on earth.

Spending solo time on the land enables us to reflect where we are in our lives, who we are, who we want to become and more broadly connect to the sacredness of being a human and a member of this wider Earth community. 

Embarking on my own vision quest in the Spanish pyrenees in 2018 was such a profound and powerful experience that I decided to dedicate myself to guiding others on this journey. It can be a transformative experience to let the outer wilderness spark an encounter with our inner wilderness.

I offer different formats offline and online that are inspired by the ancient tradition of the vision quest and the philosophy of deep ecology, holding that we as humans are ecological beings and not separate from nature. In this work, the mirror of nature is always our guide towards more self understanding and supports us to strip away more and more layers to eventually come into contact and remember the seed at the core of our being (by some considered our soul). The role of the community equally plays a role in being witnessed when we come back from our Solos and share our stories. These are received with gratitude by the community and the guide who offers a mirror to the quester.


I am still growing into the role of guide and have been training with elders and guides from the School of Lost Borders and the Animas Valley Institute. I collaborate with two fellow guides as the Wild Minds Collective where we work with the Four Shields of Human Nature Model. You can find my current offering on the event page or get in touch if you're interested in a personalised nature solo experience for yourself or your team.


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"To dwell on the land alone in reverence is a beautiful remembering of our profound humanness."

Jenny O'Hare

“A beautiful experience transcending the limitation of time and space to connect us with the land, each other and ourselves. The material, processes, warmth , depth, vision and support it provided were truly inspirational.”

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